Each of us can suddenly become so ill that he or she cannot communicate with others anymore. Nevertheless, his or her will shall be respected.
You can plan in advance for such a case.
Each of us can suddenly become so ill that he or she cannot communicate with others anymore. Nevertheless, his or her will shall be respected.
You can plan in advance for such a case.
In an advance directive, you state under which circumstances you do not want specific medical treatments to be done.
The advance directive is only relevant when you yourself cannot decide or communicate anymore.
In Austria, you have the choice between two types of advance directives:
A binding advance directive
An advance directive to be noted
Das Internetportal der Republik Österreich
mit Informationen zur Patientenverfügung
Wiener Pflege-, Patientinnen- und Patientenanwaltschaft
1050 Wien
Schönbrunner Straße 108
NÖ Patienten- und
3109 St. Pölten
Rennbahnstraße 29
Gesundheits-, Patientinnen-, Patienten- und Behindertenanwaltschaft Burgenland
7000 Eisenstadt
Marktstraße 3
Steiermärkische PatientInnen- und Pflegeombudsschaft
8010 Graz
Friedrichgasse 9
9020 Klagenfurt
Völkermarkter Ring 31
OÖ Patientenvertretung
4021 Linz
Bahnhofplatz 1
Salzburger Patientenvertretung
5020 Salzburg
Michael-Pacher-Straße 36
Zentrale: 1200 Wien, Forsthausgasse 16-20
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Here you will find forms and manuals for drafting you advance directive: